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Jaden Craven of Oak Hill Academy is earns the Week 10 award.
Andrew Faulkner of Wewoka High School is the Way to Play High School Award recipient for Week 9.
Eric Ainsworth of Eastern Guilford High School earns the Week 8 award.
Andrew Constantino of Holy Spirit High School is the Week 7 NFL Way to Play High School Award recipient.
Chaminade College Prep's Isaac Gallegos is the inaugural recipient of the Way to Play High School Award.
Cameron Dingman of Ramona High School is the recipient of the Week 6 Way to Play High School Award.
Kenji Teramura of Ontario High School earns the Week 5 Way to Play High School Award.
Denzel Holder of Huffman High School is the Week 4 Way to Play High School Award recipient.
Matthew Spaulding of Holland Christian High School takes home the Week 3 Way to Play High School Award.
Angelica Schilling from Deptford High School earns the Week 2 Way to Play High School Award.