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NFL Way to Play Offseason Workout Program – Week 16 | Day 3 (Upper & Lower Body)
NFL Way to Play Offseason Workout Program – Week 14 | Day 3 (Lower Body)
NFL Way to Play Offseason Workout Program – Week 9 | Day 2 (Upper Body)
NFL Way to Play Offseason Workout Program – Week 8 | Day 3 (Lower Body)
Jordan Inkrott of Ohio is the NFL FLAG Player of the Week for Week 17 of the 2021 season.
Tommy Barrus of Olympus High School (UT) is the 2020 Way to Play High School Award recipient for Week 5.
Leo Menendyan of NFL SFV FLAG (Tarzana, CA) is the NFL FLAG Player of the Week for Week 9 of the 2023 season.
Jacksonville Jaguars athletic trainer Scott Trulock covers maintaining offseason fitness.
NFL Legend Anthony Becht gives advice on how to learn the tight end position.
NFL Way to Play Offseason Workout Program – Week 2 | Day 4 (Upper Body)
Kevin Schroeder of Sand Creek High School (CO) is the NFL Way to Play High School Award recipient for Week 16 of the spring 2021 season.
NFL Way to Play Offseason Workout Program – Week 10 | Day 2 (Upper Body)
NFL Way to Play Offseason Workout Program – Week 8 | Day 4 (Upper Body)
Hunter Dayton is the NFL Canada Way to Play High School Award recipient for Week 6 of the 2021 season.
Malakhi Clinton of the NFL FLAG Texans (MN) is the NFL FLAG Player of the Week for Week 7 of the 2021 season.