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NFL Way to Play Offseason Workout Program – Week 15 | Day 2 (Upper Body)
Dylan Horton of Lake Hamilton High School (AR) is the 2020 Way to Play High School Award recipient for Week 8.
Cameron Dingman of Ramona High School is the recipient of the Week 6 Way to Play High School Award.
NFL Way to Play Offseason Workout Program – Week 15 | Day 4 (Upper Body)
Jacod Addington of Southern Alamance High School (NC) is the Way to Play High School Award recipient for Week 3 of the spring 2021 season.
Braelon Allen of Fond du Lac High School (WI) is the Way to Play High School Award recipient for Week 7 of the spring 2021 season.
Andrew Grant of Austin O'Brien High School (Alberta) is the NFL Canada Way to Play High School Award recipient for Week 4 of the 2021 season.
NFL Legends LeCharles Bentley and Willie McGinest discuss workout techniques for defensive linemen.
NFL Legends LeCharles Bentley and Willie McGinest demonstrate techniques for defensive linemen.
Kade McIntyre of Archbishop Bergan Catholic High School (NE) is the 2020 Way to Play High School Award recipient for Week 17.
Conner Dahms of Pewaukee High School (WI) is the 2020 Way to Play High School Award recipient for Week 16.
Kristian Gibson is the NFL Canada Way to Play High School Award recipient for Week 8 of the 2021 season.
Julien Almesber of Les Empereurs Du College Letendre in Quebec, Canada is the Way to Play High School Award recipient for Week 17.
NFL Way to Play Offseason Workout Program – Week 4 | Day 4 (Upper Body)
NFL Legend Torry Holt offers tips to improve performance on the field.