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NFL Way to Play Offseason Workout Program – Week 11 | Day 3 (Lower Body)
NFL Way to Play Offseason Workout Program – Week 8 | Day 2 (Upper Body)
Ethan Lyons of East Bay High School (FL) is the 2020 Way to Play High School Award recipient for Week 10.
NFL Way to Play Offseason Workout Program – Week 5 | Day 3 (Lower Body)
NFL Way to Play Offseason Workout Program – Week 12 | Day 4 (Upper Body)
Cardinals WR Larry Fitzgerald explains how his trainer has helped him excel.
Eric Ainsworth of Eastern Guilford High School earns the Week 8 award.
Andrew Faulkner of Wewoka High School is the Way to Play High School Award recipient for Week 9.
Hector Rodriguez of Pieper High School (TX) is the NFL Way to Play High School Award recipient for Week 5 of the 2021 season.
Tennessee Titans running back Derrick Henry and NFL Legend LeCharles Bentley share NFL Way to Play tips for young players.
Noah Johnson of Forreston High School (IL) is the NFL Way to Play High School Award recipient for Week 12 of the spring 2021 season.
NFL Legends LeCharles Bentley and Orlando Pace demonstrate the NFL Way to Play for initiating contact.
Cameron Dingman of Ramona High School (CA) is the Way to Play High School Award recipient for Week 4 of the spring 2021 season.
Andrew Constantino of Holy Spirit High School is the Week 7 NFL Way to Play High School Award recipient.