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Focus: Advancement from Week 1 exercises
Equipment needed: Resistance band, towel and water jug/10lb weight
Equipment needed: Resistance band, towel and basketball/round ball
NFL Way to Play Offseason Workout Program – Week 15 | Day 2 (Upper Body)
NFL Way to Play Offseason Workout Program – Week 15 | Day 4 (Upper Body)
Focus: Lower back and arms
Equipment needed: Resistance band and baseball/lacrosse ball
Focus: Advancement from Week 2 exercises
Equipment needed: Resistance band
Equipment needed: Resistance band and towel
NFL Way to Play Offseason Workout Program – Week 4 | Day 4 (Upper Body)
Equipment needed: Resistance band and football
NFL Way to Play Offseason Workout Program – Week 11 | Day 3 (Lower Body)
NFL Way to Play Offseason Workout Program – Week 8 | Day 2 (Upper Body)
Focus: Glutes, core